
Transferable Food Service Job Skills for Greater Employability in Other Industries


The food service industry has always been subject to changes and challenges, impacting the number of jobs available. However, food service professionals have developed transferable skills that can be utilized in various industries, making them highly employable. This article explores the critical transferable food service job skills and how they can be effectively applied in different sectors to increase job opportunities.
Chef is proud with his dish

Key Transferable Skills:

Customer Service

Customer service is a vital component of the food service industry, and it is a transferable skill that can be applied to many other sectors. For example, communicating effectively, remaining calm under pressure, and providing exceptional customer service are highly valued in sales, hospitality, and healthcare roles.

Time Management

The food service industry requires professionals to work quickly and efficiently, often in a high-pressure environment. This skill is highly transferable and can be applied to any role that requires effective time management, such as project management or administration.


In the food service industry, unexpected challenges often arise, and professionals must be able to think on their feet and find solutions quickly. This skill is highly transferable and can be applied to logistics, manufacturing, and emergency services roles.


Food service professionals work in teams to ensure that orders are prepared and served efficiently. The ability to work effectively in a team is highly valued in many other industries, such as marketing, event planning, and social services.

Attention to Detail

In the food service industry, attention to detail is essential to ensure that orders are prepared accurately and presented well. This skill is highly transferable and is valued in the finance, law, and engineering industries.
Chef smiling holding his dish

How to Showcase Transferable Skills:

Identify Your Transferable Skills

Identify the skills you have gained from your experience in the food service industry, and highlight them in your resume and cover letter.

Use Specific Examples

Provide specific examples of how you have utilized your transferable skills in the food service industry and how they can be applied to the role you are applying for.

Emphasize Your Soft Skills

Soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving are highly valued in many industries. Emphasize these skills in your job application materials.


Networking is an essential part of the job search process. Attend industry events, connect with professionals in your target industry, and explore opportunities for informational interviews.
Transferable Food Service Job Skills Chart


The food service industry has faced unprecedented challenges after the coronavirus pandemic. However, food service professionals possess transferable skills that can be applied to other sectors, making them highly employable in various roles. By identifying and highlighting transferable skills and utilizing specific examples and soft skills, food service professionals can successfully transition into new roles and thrive in a post-pandemic job market.